Founder’s Day – Feb. 20

It’s time to recognize exceptional volunteers from all around the Lewisville ISD at our annual Founder’s Day banquet. This event is our special opportunity to celebrate and honor those who make a difference in our PTAs and school communities. RSVPs and payments are due JANUARY 27th. Click here to RSVP: Important Reminders: Please reach out if you have any…

Reflections: It’s Time to Judge Entries!

As we celebrate 115 years of PTA impact, we also celebrate your success in promoting Reflections at your local campus.  Now, it’s time to gather all student artwork and move forward with the judging process.  As you collect entries for judging, please keep the following IMPORTANT details in mind: The Council is hosting a Lunch and Learn INFO SESSION,…

LISD Candidate Forum

The Lewisville ISD Council of PTAs will be hosting a candidate forum on October 15th from 9-11 a.m. at the TECC-East building. Please spread the word, show up to support public education and help candidates understand that support/funding of public schools is a crucial part of their platform! (The forum will be broadcast live on…

9/25 Reflections Master Class

Reflections Master Class Special Guest Anita Robbins (Art House) Wed., Sept. 25, 6:30-7:10 p.m. Google Meet: The Council is hosting a Reflections Master Class on Sept. 25—open to everyone. Our workshop is designed for families and students who are interested in participating but need some guidance on how to begin. At the end of…

2024 LISD Coat Drive

The Dressed to Learn closet is proudly partnering with LISD Counseling and Social Work on its 2024 Coats4Kids drive. LISD is looking to provide 1,500 coats this fall to keep LISD students warm this winter and Dressed to Learn is helping with collection and distribution. We are looking for new and like-new coats with hoods,…