Reflections: It’s Time to Judge Entries!
As we celebrate 115 years of PTA impact, we also celebrate your success in promoting Reflections at your local campus. Now, it’s time to gather all student artwork and move forward with the judging process.
As you collect entries for judging, please keep the following IMPORTANT details in mind:
- Verify eligibility of all entries received, including National PTA arts category rules and TExas PTA membership requirements. It’s important to be proactive in working with families to resolve any eligibility concerns prior to judging.
- NAME your file in this order: Arts Category, First and Last Name, Grade division (Example: DC, Jennifer Smith, H) DC – Dance Choreography, FP-Film Production, L – Literature, MC-Music Composition, P-Photography, VA – Visual Arts.
- Before you begin Reflections judging process, read through the Judging Guidelines and prepare your Scorecards. Discuss the Judging Rubric with your judges so they are aware that the highest judging criterion is interpretation of the theme.
- MUST complete the Advancing Entry Spreadsheet before advancing entries to the Council.
- Following judging, COMPLETE the appropriate participation summary for your judging level. School PTAs: Local PTA Participation Summary
- Council Deadline: November 13th
The Council is hosting a Lunch and Learn INFO SESSION, where we will provide more information on how to upload your advancing entries to the Council.
Date: October 30th, 12:00 PM-12:30 PM
Good Meet:
Resources Guide:
Reflections Program Music Composition:–S0UoGbbYw?si=62Yfp0Z7OQsTW6F3
Reflections Program Dance Choreography:
Reflections Program Literature:
A special thank you to Alexis Davis from Turning Pointe Dance Studio for Dance Choreography video, and to Mr. Price from Downing Middle School and Brandy Miranda for helping create the Music Composition video. These are fantastic resources to share with your school community.
Local resources drive: