Founder’s Day – Feb. 20
It’s time to recognize exceptional volunteers from all around the Lewisville ISD at our annual Founder’s Day banquet. This event is our special opportunity to celebrate and honor those who make a difference in our PTAs and school communities.
RSVPs and payments are due JANUARY 27th. Click here to RSVP:

Important Reminders:
- Check your standing rules and budget for guidance on whom from your PTA may attend.
- Your PTA board is responsible for purchasing and presenting the award certificate and pin to your awardees at your campus. Purchasing the award from Texas PTA is required in order for the recipients to be officially recognized. Be sure to allow enough time for shipping when you place your orders.
- For details on the awards and recognition process, visit Texas PTA Recognition.
Please reach out if you have any questions. We can’t wait to celebrate with you and honor those who give so much to our community!